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How Black Women and Girls are Silenced in Racial, Gender and Social Movements


Our communities are living in a monumental time in history where communities of color are experiencing the impact of COVID-19 on our physical health and our mental health. The reality of racial injustice and disparities existed in our communities long before COVID-19 and the pandemic has shed a light on these disparities that no one can or should ignore.

Join us to share your thoughts, experiences and ideas so the voice of young women and transgender non-confirming youth are heard and amplified because you are where the solutions exist.

We recognize that you are experts and thought leaders and will provide $20 e-gift cards to all participants to honor your expertise. E-gift cards will be sent after the event.   

Date:             Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Time:            4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Platform:      Zoom
Cost:            $0

                              Be sure to download the zoom app before the event 

                         Link will be provided in confirmation email


Virtual Roundtable Registration
Sign-up to register for Virtual Roundtable for Young Women of Color on How Black Women and Girls are Silenced in Racial, Gender and Social Movements
Questions that require an answer are marked with  *
1 * Name
2 * Age
3 Preferred Gender Pronouns
4 * Email Address
5 * Cell Number
6 Zip Code
7 * Organization that shared information with you
8 * This event will be recorded for content, if you prefer to not be identified or visible in the recording, please indicate so below.

Sign up to receive updates on what you care about – advocacy, economic security or leadership – and for information on everything we’re working on! Be part of the transformation for Texas women and girls, and their families.